Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The First World War

With the train built, the uprising of 1885 squashed,  Indigenous and Metis people cleared away and settlers flooding in, wheat became king. There were some issues, like the Manitoba Schools Question, and trade with the United States, but the next big problem was The First World War, also called The Great War. It was a grim war with a high rate of attrition. Try your hand at the link below.

Trench Warfare

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Sharing Your Project

Put your movie onto your social studies kidblog. Here are instructions on how to post your video. If you did the video in a group, after the first person has posted the video, go to that person's kidblog, right click and download the movie, and then post it onto your kidblog. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

Project Rubric

Rubric Canadian History Movie Documentary Pre 1885

-At Least 10 Facts

-Include the Important Facts!

-Any boring, non-important facts included?

-Pictures added that help with the facts ( picture is worth a 1000 words)

-Music and/or voice added

-Credit given for music, pictures, facts.


Monday, January 15, 2018

Project, Step 1

The 10 facts are due now. By the end of class, print off your facts and hand them in, with your name on it. If you used sources other than the teacher provided ones, you must list those. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


First Step: Pick a topic and do some reading on that topic. Below is a partial list, and above are teacher provided links for your reading. Check with your teacher if you have another topic in mind.

Confederation of 1867 and the conferences that led up to it.

John A. McDonald’s role in Confederation, building a railway, and settling the West

Thomas McGee falls victim to the Fenians, becoming our first political assignation. 

1869 Hudson Bay land sold, local people here rebel and take control of the land

Louis Riel’s role in leading the resistance against Canada

1870 Manitoba join Canada, under certain conditions 

1870 Collapse of the Bison herds in Western Canada

1870 Wolseley Expedition 

1870 The last tribal war is fought on the Prairies between the Cree and the Blackfoot 

1871 The first of the numbered treaties is signed

1871 B.C. joins Canada 

1871 The National Dream

1873 The Pacific Scandal 

1873 The Cyprus Hills massacre

1873 P.E.I. joins Canada

Homesteading-Canada’s efforts to attract farmers

1873-4 The North West Mounted Police are formed and start their trek from Manitoba across the prairie

1876 The Indian Act

The Role of Residential schools

1877 The University of Manitoba is created 

1881 Creation of the C.P.R. to complete the National Dream

1885 The NorthWest Rebellion

Gabriel Dumont’s role in the 1885 Rebellion


Louis Riel’s role in the 1885 Rebellion

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Monday, welcome back

If you have done the 13 questions on Residential Schools from two previous blog posts, then try your hand at the Citizenship test