Monday, June 11, 2018

The Great Depression

The Movie below is keyed up to start at the 35 min. mark if you just press play.

Soup Kitchens being offered by Charitable Organizations


 Many People 'rode the rails' looking for opportunities

1. As talked about in class, their was no government safety net during the Depression. Think of all your possessions, all that you have. In Kidblog, record all the things that you absolutely need to exist. 

2. If we were in the situation that many here in Manitoba faced during the Depression, little to no means of income for you and for most of the people in your family and for most of the people you know, how would you exist? What ways would you find to get the things you need. What ways would you find the extras, like entertainment and gifts? Record this in Kidblog. Use At Least 200 Words!

From Happy Days to The Great Depression.

As we went over in previous classes, the 1920s was a time of prosperity. People had jobs, money and more freedom to enjoy life.

The 1930s were very different. It is remembered by: The stock market crash on “Black Tuesday,” prairie drought conditions, falling wages, low agriculture prices, unemployment, relief and social security progrmas, work camps, protests, social change, lack of confidence in the banks, other financial institutions and governments. 

Complete your hand-out sheet showing the differences between the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression (1930s)