Thursday, December 7, 2017

Residential Schools

Residential Schools

To be fair, schools are not always the most pleasant places, and common school practices from 20, 50, and 100 years ago would shock us today. Residential schools though, seemed to be particularly cruel. Even worse than the school practices, was the intent of the schools and the devastation it caused to the Indigenous communities of Canada. We will be talking about cultural genocide as we study this issue.
Answer the following questions. 
Link here
1.What year did the last school close?
2. For many, was attendance voluntary? 
3. Why would diseases, like T.B., be rampant and deadly in the schools? Think of a few reasons.
4. Give several causes of deaths of students
5. Why were many of the dead children not given a marked grave or their death documented?
6. How might have things be different if parents had the right to visit the schools and decide if their children could attend the schools?
When done, explore the pictures/text at this link here

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