Monday, April 30, 2018

The 1920s

The Great War had ended. The Spanish Influenza had also ended. Women had gained greater rights, Prohibition ended in most provinces and the shortages from the war had ended. People were looking for a way to celebrate life.

For Winnipeg though, the great growth period before the First World War stopped and the 1920s was a time of decline. The after effects of the 1919 strike, the settlement of the West winding down, and the building of the Panama Canal, put Winnipeg into a freeze.

Technology advancements during this time made a lasting impact on the lives of Canadians. Cars and telephones became much more common. If you lived in Manitoba during the 1920s, you probably lived in a town or on a farm, and the 1920s is when many of those places became electrified.

After correcting your Water sheet, describe how your day would have been without electricity. How would you have clean clothes to wear in the morning. Warm water to wash up with. How would you be able to keep the food you plan to eat today either cold or hot. Other things to consider is lighting in the classroom, entertainment after school, and then lighting after dark. Post this on your kidblog account. At least a 100 words, and remember to use sentences!

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